Aqua Marine Brewery

A Desert Jewel Exclusive


The Desert Jewel was an apartment sized venue, welcoming all a wandering soul to recuperate amongst friends, old and new. Now, it has upgraded to a larger plot, to invite an even greater influx of wanderers.After all the space they used, there still was some that remained. So, Makkon Ostornsyn thought, "Shite, how about an exclusive Brewery?"Apologies, if you were expecting a longer passage, but that is more or less how the Aqua Marine Brewery began.That being said, let's lift our drinks to a bright future!

Drinks Menu


MEGACLEFTIsland LagerA crisp, hoppy lager that is refreshing enough to imbibe while on a beach. Ask Makkon about the name.8000 Gil
Tripping TreantHard Spiced CiderA dry, crisp apple cider made from golden apples with a dash of cinnamon. Reinvigorating when heated during the colder seasons!8000 Gil
Crossed HalberdHard Crimson CiderA crisp Jhammel Ginger Cider with a light spicy aftertaste. For the brave souls of Ala Mhigo!8000 Gil
Nectar of PixiesHard Pixieberry JuiceA tart, fragrant juice, sweetened with beet sugar. While the berry itself has nothing to do with Pixies, it'll be no surprise if Pixies DO claim this as their nectar.8000 Gil
Blood Shore BastardBloody MaryA refreshing spirit made with Blood Tomatos with a hint of blood orange and a bloody red drop of dragon pepper. It's bloody invigorating!8000 Gil

(More Brews Coming Soon!)